Contact Lens Manual Vol 1

C = K’Dp

Table 2: Units for Henry’s Law for Polymers Below Their Glass Transition Temperature15,16

Fick’s law for glassy polymers is given as:

N = -DD (dCD/dx) – DH (dCH/dx)

This can be simplified as follows:

N = -D’D(d/dx)(C D + CH)

N = -D’D (dC’/dx)

Table 3: Symbols used in Fick’s for Glassy Polymers15, 17

These equations yield results that are reasonable, and that are in good agreement when applied to hard contact lenses.To gain the necessary data however one must know the free volume fraction of the polymer. 15, 16, 17Diffusion is heavily dependent upon the free volume because it is a measure of the polymers porosity.One possible way of finding this is by positron annihilation spectroscopy.This paper will not discuss this in depth, but more can be found in the references. 15
Research in the 1970’s found that the impermeability of PMMA lenses could be overcome by copolymerizing MMA with silicone acrylate.A scientist by the name Norman Gaylord copolymerised methacryloxypropyl tris(trimethysiloxy silane), (TRIS),with MMA.The result was a polymer that had the strength of MMA, but also the oxygen permeability of silicone.Silicone is hydrophobic however, so the wetting agent methacrylic acid (MAA) was added to increase lens wetability.The PMMA-TRIS lens was the first RPG lens and was highly successful. Several lenses received FDA approval for daily wear, and are still used today. 2

Figure 5:Methacrylic Acid

PMMA-TRIS lenses were problematic because TRIS is hydrophobic, and lipophilic.In addition, the lenses still did not have the permeability’s required for extended wear.This caused many complications in the push to develop extended wear lenses, and increase biocompatibility.Looking for a solution, researchers began looking into doping MMA-TRIS lenses with Fluoromethacrylates. 23Recent research has shown that doping lenses with Fluoromethacrylates increases the free volume fraction. 2,15Increasing the free volume fraction is like adding lanes to the diffusion expressway.It gives oxygen and carbon dioxide more room to penetrate the lens.Thus, it efficiently increases the polymers permeability, hence increasing comfort and decreasing ocular strain. 15This increase in the polymers permeability along with varying the thickness of the lens created a RGP lenses that were approved for extended wear for up to seven days. 2
While hard contacts are not the most the most convenient they are very cost effective.They are polymerized in bulk, and then cut with a precision lathe.This allows them to be made very cheaply.In addition, their relative impermeability makes then very resistant to environment of the eye.They typically repel proteins and lipids very effectively.With proper maintenance the lenses can be used for several years.Hard lenses are also very durable, and their strength helps them resist scratching, and protect the cornea. 2
Soft Contact Lenses
The most popular type of contact lens is a soft lens.Soft contact lenses are made of thermo-set polymer hydrogels.Like hard contacts lens polymers, these gels are made up of a three dimensional, amorphous network with cross-links.The lenses are soft because the polymer is above its glass transition temperature.Soft contacts are typically formed using cast molding or the spin cast method.They can be produced by the lath cutting process, but this is less common.23
In soft contact lenses the water content affect many things. The permeability of the lens is proportional to the amount of water in the lens.As the percent weight of water increases in the lens, the permeability increases relatively linearly.The lenses ability to absorb various amounts of water also makes them highly hydrophilic. These attributes gives soft contact lenses the ability to achieve permeability’s that allows them to be used for extended wear without damage to the eye.The increased permeability does not come freely however.As the water content is increased the polymers loose their strength.This can lead to tearing or scratching of the lens.A softer lens also offers the cornea less protection. 2
The first hydrogel contacts consisted of HEMA that was cross-linked with either ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) or ethylene glycol monogethacrylate (EGDMA).Future models of hydrogel lenses added the surfactants, methacrylic acid (MAA) and N vinyl pyrollidone (NVP) to increase water content.MMA is undesirable however because it makes the polymer ionic, which attracts proteins. 2,8,18HEMA has also been substituted with such monomers as glycerol methacrylate (GMA) that shows a higher resistance biofilm formation.Typical HEMA/MAA soft contact lenses have oxygen permeabilties of about 15-25 Barrers.2, 23

Figure6:Ethylene glycol monogethacrylate

Figure 8:Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate, and N Vinyl Pyrollidone

Seeking to improve soft contact lens permeability scientist started to make hydrogels from silicone based polymers like polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)..The silicone hydrogel contact lens, also known as siloxane lenses, show impressive permeability (PDMS has a DK of 600 Barres), while retaining the comfort, wetability, and biofilm resistance of non-silicon based hydrogels.24 Unlike hydrogel lenses however, the oxygen permeability of silicone hydrogels decreases exponentially as water content increases.As discussed in hard contact lenses, silicone is hydrophobic, so the wetablity decreases as water content decreases. This led scientist to researching ways of making siloxane based lenses more wetable. 2, 19
The use of fluorine doped side chains has also become increasingly popular as a method to further increase permeability.When coupled with siloxane, fluorine can effectively increase the permeability while also effectively resisting lipid deposits.The challenge scientist encounter with fluorine is that it repels water.This leads them to cap fluorine chains with methacrylate with is less hydrophobic.25
The surface chemistry of soft contact lenses is of great importance.While the soft contact lenses typically have acceptable diffusion rates, all methacrylic and acrylic hydrogels are hydrophobic to a certain extent.In fact, it has been shown that while the water content of a hydrogel helps its permeability, it not little or nothing to affect its wetability.21In the case of siloxane lenses it is because the surfaces tend to consist of siloxane.Siloxane migrates to the surface of the lens during polymerization because of its desire of air.While siloxane is successful at repelling proteins, but it is highly hydrophobic which results in lipid and protein deposition on the lens.19Initial research attempted to blend hydrophobic silicone based monomers with hydrophilic monomers.These attempts were unsuccessful however because the difference in hydrophilicity would cause phase seperation. 2, 20 Recently with it has been shown that by grafting polyoxyethylene to the surface, the lens effectively repels protein and lipids, and increased wetability.Improved surfactants consisting of random copolymers of lauryl-, hexyl-, and methyl-methacrylate and polyethylene glycol methacrylate, have also shown a lot of promise.19The surfactants are bound to the surface during the actual making of the lens.The surfactant monomers are added to the contact lens monomers, and the surfactants moved to the surface during lens the creation of the lens because they have a higher desire for air then siloxane.Covalent bonds are then formed as the silicones of the gel matrix appear.19Currently silicone hydrogel lenses have DK’s have about 50-200 Barrers, however none of these lenses currently in commercially availble.2
Attempts to improve the wetability of soft contact lenses have also been make on the manufacturing side of processing.Research has shown that by polymerizing the contact in polar molds effectively increased the wetability of the lens.This is because the charge distribution on the mold attracts charges to the surface of the lens while it is forming.Once the charges are at the surface of the lens, they are polymerized, and consequently forced to stay at the surface.24
The water in tears is then attracted to this polar surface of the lens.
Problems Caused by Contact Lens Use
The biocompatibility of contact lenses is at the forefront of scientific and engineering research.This is in partly due to the push for an extended wear lens, and also due to health disorders that arise from contact lens use.While many advances have been made in the biocompatibility, and physical properties of lenses, significant problems still exist.Possible contact lens disorders are listed in table.These disorders must be taken into account when comparing contact lenses to eye glasses or laser correction surgery.While taking out and removing contacts on a daily or weekly basis can be stressful, the eye can typically heal from contact lens disorders.This should be compared to laser surgery where a mistake can be fatally hazardous to the eye.The debate between contacts and laser surgery will increase in the future as laser surgery becomes more successful and contact lens manufacturers develop cheaper, 30 day extended wear lenses that have little risk of infection.

Table 4:Some Common Contact lens Disorders14,22

All contact lenses consist of amorphous, three-dimensional, polymer matrixes.Hard contacts consist of polymers that are below their glass transition temperature, and typically contain little or no water.Soft contact lenses consist of polymers that are above their glass transition temperature, and typically have a relatively high water content.
Hard Contact lenses have increased their permeability by thinning the lens, and doping MMA with TRIS and/or fluorine based monomers.Soft contact lenses have sought to increase their permeability in different ways.Hydrogel lenses has sought to increase water content, while siloxane hydrogels have tried to find ways of decreasing their water content.Some examples of the
Contact lens science has increased rapidly in the 20th century.While significant progress has been made, the most challenging aspect await to be solved in the 21st century.As we begin the new millennium polymer scientist are working in collaboration with biologist, chemist, and medical doctors to produce the extended wear lens.This lens will be able to be used for up to thirty days without removal, and be almost completely resistive to biofilm deposition.
1. Salvatori, P.L. The story of contact lenses.Obrig Laboratories: New York, 19-24.
2. Kunzler, J.F. McGee, J.A. Contact Lens Materials Chemistry in Britian
3. Heitz, R.F. ‘Contact Lenses’. (2nd Edition, Volume 1) Dabazies, O.H. Little
Brown and Company, 1989.1.1-1.9.
4. Lubick, N. ‘The Hard and the Soft.’ Scientific American. 10/2000
5. Hamano, H., Kaufman, H.E. The Physiology of the Cornea and Contact Lens
Applications.Churchill Livingstone: New York, 1987.Pages 69-74.
6. Larke, J. The Eye in Contact Lens Wear.Butterworths:Toronto, 1985. Page 24-27, 40-47.
7 Friends, G., Kunzler, J., Ozark, R., J. Biomedical Materials Research, 1992, 26, 59-67
8 ‘Biomedical Materials’.Juniper, R., Read, P.London: Elsevier, Novermber 1994,2
9.Holden, B., Mertz, G. McNally, J., Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 1983, 24, 218-22
10. Holden, B., Mertz, G., ibid, 1984, 25, 1161-7
11.Schoessler, J., International Contact Lens Clinic, 1983, 10, 148-51
12. Sarver, M., Baggett, D., harris, M. Louie, K., Am. J. Optom. & Physiol. Optics, 1981, 58, 386-
13.White, P., Contact Lens Spectrum, February 1990, 46-63
14.Rao, J.B., Saini, J.S. “Complications of Contant Lenses.” Contact Lenses.
Aquavella, J. V., Rao, G. N.Lippincott Company. Philidelphia, 48, 49, 71, 76-
15. Singh, J. J., et. Al. “An Investigation of Microstructural Characteristics of Contact-Lens
Polymers” NASA Technical Paper, 3034. December 1990.
16. Paul, D. R. “Gas Sorption and Transport in Glassy Polymers.” Ber. Bunsenges.Phys. Chem.,
vol. 83, no. 4, 1979, Pages 294-302.
17. Petropoulos, J. H. “Qualitative Analysis of Gaseous Diffusion in Glassy Polymers.”J.
Polymer Sci.: Pt A-2, vol. 8, no. 10. October, 1970. Pages 1797-1801.
18. Lai, Y., Wilson, A., Zantos, S., ‘Contact lenses’ in ‘Kirk-Othmer encylopedia of chemical
technology’, Volume 7, John Wiley, 1993, 191-213.
19. Ammon, D. M., Castner, D. G., Ratner, B.D.“In-Situ Surface Modifications ofContact
LensPolymers.”Surface modifications of Polymeric Biomaterials.
Grobe, G. L., McGee, J. A., Valint, P. L.Plenum Press. New York, 21-26.
20. Mueller, K.F., Kleiner, E.K., US Patent No. 4740553, 1998
21. Holly, F. J.,Refojo, M. F. “Water Wetability of Hydrogels” Hydrogels for
Medical and Related Applications.Andrade, J. D.American Chemical
Society.1976pg 252-256.
22. Slatt B. J., Stein, H.A., Stein, R.M. Fitting Guide For Rigid and Soft Contact
Lenses.A Pratical Approach (3rd edition).C. V. Mosby Company, Toronto1990. pg. xvii-
xxiv, 477-488
23.Bennett E. S.“Material Selection.” Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses.
Bennett, E. S.,Henry V. A.J. B. Lippincott Company Philidelphia,1994. pg.
27-40, 143-170, 197-217.
24. Friends. G. D., Lai, Y.C. “Surface Wettability Enhancement of Silicone Hydrogel Lenses by
Processing with Polar Plastic Molds.”J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 35, 349-356, 1997.
25. Kunzler, J., Ozark, R. “Methacrylate-Capped Fluoro Side Chain Siloxanes:Synthesis,
Characterization, and Their Use in the Design of Oxygen-Permeable Hydrogels.”J Appl
Polym Sci. 65: 1081-1089, 1997.

Ophthalmology Seri A-Q (e-books, Journal and Video)

Contact Lens Manual Volume 1

OPHTHALl ebooks Title 2015
1. Atlas of Oculplastic and Orbital Surgery (PDF, Color)
2. Essential Clinical Procedures, Third Edition (PDF, Color)
3. Basic Sciences for Ophthalmology, Oxford Speciality Training, (PDF, Color)
4. Handbook of Pediactric Strabismus and Amblyopia (PDF)
5. Management of Complication in Refractive Surgery (PDF, Color)
6. Atlas of Glaucoma, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
7. Comprehensive Ophthalmology, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
8. ocular Surface Anatomy and Physiology, Disorders and Therapeutics (PDF)
9. Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition (PDF, Color)
10. Oxford American Handbook of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
11. Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery, Strategies, and Techniques, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
12. Sure Success in Ophthalmology Viva Voce & Practical Examination (PDF)
13. Ocular Pathology Expert Consult, 7th Edition (PDF, Color)
14. The Wills Eye Manual Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease, 6th Edition (PDF, Color)
15. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery (Inaugural Issue) (PDF, Color)
16. Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology, 17th Edition (HTML/CHM, Color)
17. Review Questions in Ophthalmology (PDB)

OPHTHAL Title Seri A:
1. Glaucoma, Science and Practice (PDF, Color)
2. common Neuro-Ophthalmic Pitfalls, Case-based teaching (PDF, Color)
3. Primary Retinal Detachment, Options for Repair (PDF, color)
4. Angle Closure Glaucoma (PDF)
5. Essentilas of Diagnosis & Treatment (PDF)
6. Manual of Office based Anesthesia Procedure (HTML)
7. The Anterior Eye and Therapeutics Diagnosis and Managementc(PDF)
8. Effect on Vision Quality (PDF)

OPHTHAL Title Seri B:
1. Angiography and Plaques Imaging, Advanced Segmentation Techniques (PDF)
2. Assessing and Treating Glaucoma in Children of the Developing World, (PDF, Color)
3. Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
4. Glaucoma Identification and Co-Management (PDF, Color)
5. Minimizing Incisions and Maximizing Outcomes in Cataract Surgery (PDF, Color)
6. Strabismus A Decision Making Approach , (PDF)
7. Antigen Presenting Cells and the Eye (PDF)
8. The Professional Qualifying Examinations, A Survival Huide for Optometrists (PDF)
9. The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition (CHM, Color)
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OPHTHAL Title Seri C:
1. Duplicity Theory of Vision, From Newton to the Present (PDF)
2. Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology, Lens and Glaucoma, Mosby (PDF, Color)
3. Low Vision Manual (PDF, Color)
4. Pearls of Glaucoma Management, (PDF, Color)
5. Retina Angigraphy and Optical Coherence Tomography (PDF, Color)
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OPHTHAL Title Seri D:
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2. Atlas of Aesthetic Eyelid and Periocular Surgery (PDF, Color)
3. Common Neuro-ophthalmic Pitfalls, Case-based teaching (PDF, Color)
4. A Practical Manual of Diabetic Retinopathy Management (PDF)
5. Manual of Office-Based Anesthesia Procedures (CHM)
6. Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Pediatric (PDF, Color)
7. Retinal Detachment (PDF, Color)
8. Update on General Medicine 2007-2008
9. Surgical Anatomy Around the Orbiut (CHM, Color)

OPHTHAL Title Seri E:
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2. color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery, Strategies and Techniques (PDF, Color)
3. Atlas of Glaucoma, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
4. clinical Anatomy of The Visual System (PDF, Color)
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12. Macular Degeneration (PDF, Color)
13. Laser in Ophthalmology, Basic, Diagnostic and Surgical Aspects a Review (PDF, Color)
14. Handbook Pediatric Retinal Disease (PDF, Color)
15. Notes on veterinary Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
16. Evidence based Approach in Cataract Surgery (PDF)
17. Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PDF, Color)
18. The Mind's eye Cognitive and Applied Aspects of Eye Movement Research (PDF)
19. Optics, Retinoscopy and Refractometry (PDF)
20. Retinal Detachment, Principles and Practice, Third Edition (PDF, Color)
21. The Contact Lens Manual, A Practical Guide to Fitting (PDF, Color)

OPHTHAL Title Seri F:
1. Ocular Surface Disease, Medical and Surgical Management (PDF)
2. clinical Procedure in Primary Eyecare, Third Edition, (PDF, Color)
3. Pathobiology of Ocular Disease, Third Edition (TWO-Volume Set), (PDF)
4. Essentials of Chinese Medicine (PDF)
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7. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2010, (49th edition) (CHM, Color)
8. Duane Ophthalmology 2009 (PDB)
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OPHTHAL Title Seri G:
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2. Low Vision Manual (PDF, Color)
3. Antigen - Presenting Cells and the Eye (PDF)
4. Glaucoma Identification and Co-Management (PDF, Color)
5. Duplicity Theory of Vision (PDF)
6. Assessing and Treating Glaucoma in Children of the Developing World (PDF, Color)
7. Minimizing Incisions and Maximizing Outcomes in Cataract Surgery (PDF, Color)
8. Ophthalmologic Drug Guide (PDF)
9. Practical Binocular Vision Assessment (PDF)
10. Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
11. The Pediatric Glaucomas (PDF, Color)
12. Retinal Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography (PDF Color)
13. Oculoplastics and Orbit, Aesthetic and Fungctional Oculofacial Plastic (PDF, Color)
14. Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Lens and Glaucoma (PDF, Color)
15. Review question in Ophthalmology (PUB)
16. The Professional Qualifying Examinations (PDF)
17. Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Review Manual for Ophthalmology (CHM)
18. Pediatric Glaucoma (PDF, Color)
17. Strabismus A Decision Making Approach (PDF)

OPHTHAL Title Seri H:
1. Basic Ophthalmology, 8th edition, (DJVU)
2. Complications in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, (PDF, Color)
3. Applied Pathology for Ophthalmic Microsurgeons, (PDF, Color)
4. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, Ophthalmic Emergencies, 2008, (PDF, Color)
5. Bimanual Phaco, Mastering Phakonit / MICS Technique (PDF, Color)
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8. Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery, Strategi and Techniques (PDF, Color)
9. Clinical Ophthalmic Echography, (PDF, Color)
10. Electrodiagnosis of Retinal Diseases (PDF, Color)
11. Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Fourth Edition, (PDF, Color)
12. Drug in Ophthalmology (PDF)
13. Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disorders, (PDF, Color)
14. Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice (PDF)
15. Diagnostic Atlas of Common Eyelid Diseases (PDF, Color)
16. Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders, (PDF)
17. Cornea and External Eye Disease, Essentials in Ophthalmology, (PDF, Color)
18. Claucoma Medical Therapy, Principles and Management, (PDF, Color)
19. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, Ophthalmologic Emergencies, vol.26 Issues 1
20. Medical Retina, Essentials in Ophthalmology, (PDF, Color)
21. Eye, Retina, and Visual System of the Mouse , (PDF)
22. Field of Visinon, A Manual and Atlas of Perimetry, (PDF)
23. Evidence based Approach in Cataract Surgery, (PDF,
24. Cornea and External Eye Disease, Essentials in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
25. Pathbiology of Ocular Disease (PDF)
26. Glaucoma, An Open Window to Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection (PDF)
27. Lasik, Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications (PDF, Color)
28. Infectious Diseases, A Clincial Short Course . Second Edition (PDF)
29. Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes (PDF, Color)
30. Imaging of Orbital & Visual Pathway (PDF, Color)
31. Handbook of Pediatric Eye and Systemic Disease (PDF, Color)
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33. Immune Response and The Eye, 2nd, revises edition (PDF, Color)
34. Handbook of Nutrition and Ophthalmology (PDF)
35. Manual of Ocular Diagnosis & Therapy, 5th edition, (CHM)
36. Management of Complications in Refractive Surgery (PDF, Color)
37. Manual of Eye Emergencies Diagnosis and Management (PDF, Color)
38. Ocular Allergy, An Issue of Immunology and Allergic Clinics (PDF, Color)
39. Ocular Neuroprotection (PDF)
40. Nervous Control of The Eye (PDF)
41. Ocular Blood Flow and Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy (PDF, Color)
42. Neurology Case Studies, An Issue of Neurologic Clinics (PDF, Color)
43. Ophthalmic Drug Facts 2007 (PDB)
44. Ocular Oncology, (PDF)
45. Ocular Angiogenesis, Diseases, Mechanisms, and Therapeutics (PDF, Color)
46. Ocular Tumors in Animals and Human (PDF)
47. Ocular Trauma, Principles and Practice (PDF, Color)
48. Ocular Traumatology (PDF, Color)
49. Ocuplastics and Orbit, Essentials in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
50. Ocular Surface Disease, Medical and Surgical Management (PDF)
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52. Ocular Transporters in Ophthalmic Diseases and Drug Delivery (PDF)
53. Orbital Disease, Present Status and Future Challenges (PDF)
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62. The Lasik Handbook, A Case Based Approach, 1 st Edition (CHM, Color)
63. General Ophthalmology, Vaughan & Asbury's (CHM, Color)
64. stereoatlas of Ophthalmic Pathology, Anatomy and Pathology Peripheral Fundus (Fundus Extremus) , (PDF, Color)
65. Orbital Tumors Diagnosis and Treatment (PDF, Color)
66. Retinal and Choroidal Angiogenesis (PDF)
67. Retinal Developlment, (PDF)
68. Retinal Degenerations, Biology, Diagnostics, and Therapeitics (PDF)
69. Retinal Vascular Disease (PDF, Color)

OPHTHAL Title Seri I:
1. Ocular Trauma Principles and Practice (PDF, Color)
2. The Art and the Science of Cataract Surgery (PDF, Color)
3. Master's Guide to Manual Small Incision Cataract Surggery (MSICS), (PDF, Color)
4. Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
5. Irregular Astigmatism (CHM)
6. Essentials of Cataract Surgery (HTML, Color)
7. Fundus Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography (CHM)
8. Atlas of Clinical and Surgical Orbital Anatomy (CHM, use next arrow to scroll next page), HTML)
9. Atlas of Uveitis and Scleritis (PDF, Color)
10. Chemical Ocular Burns (PDF, Color)
11. Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
12. Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology, Self Assessment Text (PDF)
13. Essentials of Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
14. Manual of Eye Emergencies Diagnosis and Management, (PDF, Color)
15. Electrophysiologic Testing in Disorders of the Retina, Optic Nerve, and Visual Pathway (second edition), (PDF,Color)
16. Digitnal Teleretinal Screening Teleophthalmology in Practice, (PDF, Color)
17. Corneal Surgery, Theory, Technique and Tissue (Fourth Edition), (PDF, Color)
18. Pediatric Oncology, Retinoblastome (PDF, Color)
19. Novel Drug Delivery Approaches in Dry Eye Syndrome Therapy, (PDF)
20. Ophthalmology in Focus (PDF, Color)
21. Manual Practical Cataract Surgery (PDF)
22. Manual for Eye Examniation and Diagnosis, (PDF, Color)
23. The Pediatric Glaucomas (PDF, Color)
24. Orbital Tumors, (PDF, Color)
25. Manual of Squint (PDF, Color)
26. Step by Step Squint Surgery, (PDF, Color)
27. The Retina and its Disorders, (PDF, Color)
28. Training in Ophthalmology, The Essential Clinical Curriculum, (PDf, Color)
29. Retinoblastoma an Update on Clinical, Genetic Counseling, Epidemiology and Molecular Tumor Biology, (PDF,Color)
30. Strabismus Surgery and its Complications (PDf, Color)
31. Textbook of Refractive Lase Assietd Cataract Surgery (ReLACS), (PDF, Color)
32. Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology, Retina, Second Edition, (CHM, Color)

OPHTHAL Title Seri J:
Basic and Clinical Science Course section 1-13 (2011-2012)
1. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 1 Update General Medicine (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
2. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 2 Fundamentasl and Principles of Ophthalmology (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
3. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 3 Cliniacl Optics (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
4. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 4 Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
5. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 5 Neuro Ophthalmology (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
6. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 6 Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
7. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 7 Orbit, Eyelids, and Lacrimal System (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
8. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 8 External Disease and Cornea (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
9. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 9 Intraocular Inflammation and Uveitis (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
10. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 10 Glaucoma (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
11. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 11 Lens and Cataract (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
12. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 12 Retina and Vitreous (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
13. Basic and Clinical Science Course section 13 Refractive Surgery (2011-2012), American Academy of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
14. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System, Third Edition (PDF, Color)
15. Diabetic Retinopathy (PDF, Color)
16. Glaucoma - Basic and Clinical Concepts (PDF, Color)
17. Netter's Neurology, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
18. Surgical Atlat of Orbital Diseases (PDF, Color)
Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.15-19
19. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.15 Issues 1, Mechanisms of Ocular Disease (PDF)
20. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.15 Issues 2, Mechanical Ophthalmic Injuries (PDF)
21. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.15 Issues 3, Uveitis (PDF)
22. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.15 Issues 4, Macular Disease (PDF)
23. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.16 Issues 1, Cornea and External Disease (PDF)
24. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.16 Issues 2, Assessing Visual Function in Clinical Practice (PDF)
25. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.16 Issues 3, Contact Lenses (PDF)
26. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.16 Issues 4, Ophthalmic Genetics (PDF)
27. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.17 Issues 1, Imaging (PDF)
28. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.17 Issues 2, Wafefront Technology (PDF)
29. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.17 Issues 3, Neuro Ophthalmology Manifestations of Systemic Disease (PDF)
30. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.17 Issues 4, Anterior Segment Complication of Posterior Segment Surgery (PDF)
31. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.18 Issues 1, Ophthalmic Oncology (PDF)
32. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.18 Issues 2, Oculofacial Rejuvenation (PDF)
33. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.18 Issues 3, Glaucoma (PDF)
34. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.18 Issues 4, New Developments in Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PDF)
35. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.19 Issues 1, Accomodation and Presbyopic Correction Options (PDF)
36. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.19 Issues 2, Ocular Anesthesia (PDF)
37. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.19 Issues 3, Ocular Angiogenesis (PDF)
38. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Vol.19 Issues 4, Cataract Surgery in The New Millenium (PDF)

OPHTHAL Title Seri K:
1. Considerations in Contact Lens Use Under Adverse Conditions Proceedings of a Symposium (HTML)
2. Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals (HTML)
3. Natural Eye Care An Encyclopedia (HTML)
4. The Eye Book A Complete Guide to Eye Disorders and Health (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) (HTML)
5. The Treatment of Disease in Tcm Diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose and (HTML)
6. At The Crossings : Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (PDF, Color)
7. Antigen Presenting Cells and the Eye (PDF)
8. Autoimmune Diseases of the skin (PDF, Color)
9. A Textbook of clinical Ophthalmology (PDF, color)
10. Data Monitoring Commitees in Clinical Trials, A Practical Perspective (PDF)
11. British Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.93 April 2009 (PDF, Color)
12. Comprehensive Ophthalmology, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
13. Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery (PDF)
14. Diagnosis Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology (PDf, Color)
15. Critical Care Medicine (PDF)
16. Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice (PDF)
17. Manual if Common Nedside Surgical Procedures (PDB)
18. Medical Retina, Essential in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
19. Fluorescence Angiography in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
20. Drug Eruption Manual Including Drug Interaction (PDF)
21. Glaucoma Essentials in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
22. Neurologics Clinic (PDF, Color)
23. Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro Ophthalmology, Genetics, Essentials in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
24. Glaucoma Progress III, Essentials in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
25. Textbook of Clinical Trials, Second edition (PDF)
26. Eye on the Bayou, New Concepts in Glaucome, Cataract and Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
27. Visual Transduction and Non Visual Light Perception (PDF)
28. Sensory Neuroscience : Four Laws Psychiphysics (PDF)
29. Ocular Infection, Second edition (PDF, Color)
30. Pediatric Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
31. Perfect Eye (PDF, Color)
32. Pediatric Ophthalmology (PDF)
33. Primary Intraocular Lymphoma (PDF)

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1. Aravind's Atlas of Fungal Corneal Ulcers, Clinical Features & Laboratory Identification Methods, (PDF, COlor)
2. A Visual Field Evaluation with Automated Devices, (PDF)
3. Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology, Jaypee ,(PDF, Color)
4. Basic Sciences in ophthalmology, Physics and Chemistry, Springer ( PDF, Color)
5. Clinical Glaucoma Care, The Essentials (PDF, Color)
7. Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology, Retinal Tumors, 2nd Edition (PDF, Color)
8. Basic Ophthalmology, Fourth Edition (PDF, Color)
9. clinical Ophthalmic Oncology, Eyelid Conjunctival Tumors, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
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11. Clinical Orthoptics, Third Edition (PDF)
12. Corneal Surgery, Theory, Technique and Tissue, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
13. Copeland and Afshari's, Principles and Practice of Cornea, Vol.1 (PDF, Color)
14. Contact Lens Complications Expert Consult, 3rd Edition (PDF, Color)
15. Cornea Atlas, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
16. Color Atlas of Ocuplastic and Orbital Disorders (PDF, Color)
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18. Corneal Topography in Clinical Practice (PDF, Color)
19. Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care, Expert consult (PDF, Color)
20. Corneal Topography Jaypee (PDF, Color)
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24. Digital Teleretinal Screening Teleophthalmology in Practice, (PDF, Color)
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26. Digital Image Processing for Ophthalmology Detection of the Optic Nerve Head (PDF, Color)
27. Dr. Hoyo's, Step by Step Astigmatic Ablation (PDF, Color)
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29. Essentials of Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
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31. Glued IOL, (PDF, Color)
32. Intravitreal Injections (PDF, Color)
33. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Lasik (PDF, Color)
34. Gonioscopy (PDF, Color)
35. Funduscopy Made Easy (PDF, Color)
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37. Glaucoma Medical Diagnosis & Therapy, Vol.1 Medical Diagnosis & Therapy (PDF, Color)
38. Macular Surgery (HTML/CHM, Color)
39. Keratoconus Surgery and Cross linking (PDF, Color)
40. Keratopathy in Vico Morphology in the Human Cornea and Conjunctiva (PDF, Color)
41. Mastering the Techniques of Intracoluar Lens Power calculations, (PDF, Color
42. Management of Complications in Ophthalmic Surgery (PDF, Color)
43. Management of Strabismus and Amblyopia, 2n Edition (PDF)
44. Elevation Based Corneal Tomography, Second Edition, (PDF, Color)
45. Mastering Phaco Chop Techniques (PDF, Color)
46. Medical Retina (PDF, Color)
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48. Mastery of Holocomb Crosslinking for Keratoconus and Other Disorders (PDF, Color)
49. Ready Reckoner of Modern Refractive Surgery (PDF, Color)
50. Minimally Inasive Vitreous Surgery (PDf, Color)
51. Mastering the Thecniques of Lens Based (PDF, Color)
52. Master's Guide to Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (PDF, Color)
53. Mastering Corneal Collagen Cross Link (PDF, Color)
54. Novel Drug Delivery Approaches in Dry Eye Syndrome Therapy (PDF)
55. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Basic and Clinical Science Course, AAO (PDF, Color)
56. Ocular Surface Disease, Cornea, Conjunctive, and Tear Film (PDF, Color)
57. Ophthalmic Ultrasound, A Diagnostic Atlas (PDF)
58. Ophthalmology, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
59. Ophthalmology at A Glacne, Second Edition (PDF, Color)
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62. Pediatric Clinical Ophthalmology, a Color Handbook (PDF, Color)
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64. Retinal and Choroidal Manifestations of Selected Systemic Disease (PDF, Color)
65. Retina, Vol 1-3, Elsevier, Fifth Edition (PDF, Color)
66. Simplified Phacoemulsification (PDF, Color)
67. Ptosis Surgery (PDF, Color)
68. Review of Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
69. Refraction, Dispensing Optics and Ophthalmic Procedures (PDF, Color)
70. Ophthalmic Surgery : Principles and Practice, 4th edition, (HTML/CHM, Color)
71. The Sclera (PDF, Color)
72. The Massachusetts, eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology, 4th Edition (PDF, Color)
73. Sure Success in Ophthamlology Viva Vove & Practical Examination (PDF)
74. Training in Ophthalmology, The Essential Clinical Curriculum (PDF, Color)
75. Textbook of Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery (PDF, Color)
76. Visual Development, Third Edition (PDF, Color)
77. Step by Step Phaco Tips and Tricks, (PDF, Color)
78. The Retinal Atlas, Yanuzzi (PDF, Color)
79. Surgical Anatomy of The ocular Adnexa, (PDF, Color)
80. Step by Step Squint Surgery (PDF, Color)
81. Wills Eye Manual, Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease, 6th Edition (HTML/CHM, Color)
82. Wills Eye, Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, Second edition (HTML/CHM, Color)

OPHTHAL Title Seri M:
1. Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility (PDF)
2. Advances in Ophthalmology (PDF)
3. Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
4. Clinical Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
5. Manual of Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
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7. Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery (PDF, Color)
8. Clinical Anatomy of the Eye (PDF)
9. Neuro Ophthalmic Pitfalls (PDf, Color)
10. Controversies in Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF)
11. Handbook of Pediatric Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
12. Eye on The Bayou (PDF, Color)
13. Dural Cavernous Sinus Fistulas (PDF, Color)
14. Emergencies in Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
15. Encyclopedia of the Eye (PDF, Color)
16. Paralytic Strabismus : Third, Fourth, and Sicth Nerve Palsy (PDF, Color)
17. Head Injury (PDF)
18. Cranial Nerves Functional Anatomy (PDF)
19. Nervous Control of the Eye (PDF)
20. Atlas of Neurianatomy and Neurophysiology (PDF, Color)
21. Models of Horizontal Eye Movements (PDF, Color)
22. Oculomotor Systems and Perception (PDF)
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24. Neuroanatomy Atlas of Structures Section System (PDF)
25. Neuro Ophthalmology Diagnosis and Management (PDF, Color)
26. Ocular Neuroprotection (PDF)
27. Neuro Ophthalmology (PDf, Color)
28. Pediatric Ophthalmology Genetics (PDf, Color)
29. Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF, Color)
30. Step by Step Squint Surgery (PDF, Color)
31. Orbital Tumors (PDF)
32. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (PDF, Color)
33. Pediatric Neuro Ophthalmology (PDF)
34. Optic Nerve Disorders and Management (PDF)
35. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (PDF, Color)
36. The Making of Neuro Morphic Visual System (PDF)
37. Surgical Atlas of Orbital Diseases (PDF, Color)
38. The Neurology of Eye Movements (PDF)
39. The Handbook of Neuroprotection (PDF)
40.The Visual Neurosciences (PDF)
41. Strabismus Surgery and its Complications (PDF, Color)
42. Visual Agnosia (PDF)

OPHTHAL Title Seri N:
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2. Amblyopia A Multidiscilinary Approach, (PDF)
3. Handbook of Vitamins (Clinical Nutrition in Health and Disease), 4th Edition (PDF)
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6. Hereditary Tumors from Genes to Clinical Consequences, (PDF)
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8. Infectious Disease in The Aging A Clinical Handbook, Second Edition (PDF)
9. Eye Essentials Diabetes and The Eye, (PDF, Color)
10. The Vitamin Sourcebook (PDF)
11. Techniques in Ophthalmology, Vol 7 2009, (PDF, Color)
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15. Neuroscience in Medicine, Third Edition, (PDF)
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